Our physical body is surrounded by a Luminous Energy Field; some people call it the Aura or Spirit Body which is an invisible matrix that holds the imprint of all our karmic, personal and ancestral memories, traumas, wounds and beliefs.
These imprints can become activated to mirror a personal history that repeats itself by compelling us towards behaviors, relationships, accidents or illnesses that replicate the original trauma. They may also manifest as addictions, headaches, anxiety, depression, anger, shame, blame, sadness, etc.
A Soulful Healing Session will illuminate and clear the energetic negative imprints in our Luminous Energy Field. This is a powerful healing process that helps to reconnect to your higher self and be transported by breath into an altered state of consciousness.
The soulful healing illumination session includes chakra balancing as well as extracting and clearing negative patterns and imprints - transforming your wounds into sources of power and compassion. Imprints to the Luminous Energy Field appear as sluggish energy around the chakras.
During the healing, the heavy emotional energy of the imprint is drained through the chakra; then the imprint itself is erased through the use of focused intention and breath. When the imprint is erased you are no longer informed by the wounds of your past or ancestry.
Stephanie is heart-centered connecting with your individual needs and issues.
*You feel stuck in a behavioral pattern which continues to repeat itself.
*You are struggling to heal from traits (health or emotional) that are part of your ancestry.
*Emotional traumas of your past continue to haunt you and do not respond well to other healing modalities.
"A good place to start is with an Illumination which is the foundation for a lot of the work I do. It is very effective for a variety of problems and I feel a fast track for transformation. During the session one of the things I can do for you is (with your permission) I will track any negative energy that is affecting you and remove it. I will guide through this process and we can identify the energy that is holding the patterns in place, the things that keep you stuck and remove it. We will work on combusting the dense energies which are preventing you from moving past your obstacles, and then we flood the chakras with The Light of the Sacred. I will help you develop a new broader map which incorporates the healing which has just taken place".
~ Stephanie Phelps